Leak Detection

High Voltage Electronic Leak Detection (HVELD) is a method of detecting breaches in waterproofing membranes and coatings. HVELD testing is performed using a high voltage current on a dry horizontal or vertical surface. A current is generated that will pass through a non-conductive material, such as a waterproof membrane, and should a breach be present, it forms a circuit sounding an alarm on the testing unit and pinpointing the exact location of the breach.

Leak detection services from waterseal
leak detection with thermal imaging
leak detection example
various leak detection services in perth
leak detection with thermal imaging in perth
thermal imaging leak detection in perth
leak detection moisture meter
images of leak detection testing
leak detection post test images
Leak Detection Services available in Perth

Advantages of HVELD testing:

  • detecting holes in membranes and coatings that are not visible to the eye
  • non-destructive
  • good for very small areas and difficult to reach areas or areas where flood testing is not possible
  • locates defects precisely and enables immediate repair
  • able to re-test repairs immediately, depending on the type of membrane
  • less expensive and less time consuming than conventional flood testing
  • eliminates the hazard of overloading structural decks during flood testing.

We can locate leaks on the following horizontal and vertical surfaces:

  • Torch-On Membrane systems
  • Liquid Applied Systems, such as acrylics and polyurethanes
  • Bituminous coatings
  • PVC membranes
  • TPO membranes
  • Butynol

Membrane Integrity Testing Video

Check out this video showcasing our team performing membrane integrity testing for a customer. Utilising high tech machinery, the team can find leaks in areas that are hard to detect and ensure your project is waterproofed correctly.

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