Meet the DOFF Integra, the easy way to remove paint and perform heritage surface cleaning. This innovation makes paint removal and heritage surface cleaning a breeze. Go from weathered and stained to pristine and new, and all without damaging the underlying substrate. For gentle and effective paint removal, algae, moss...
New equipment to combat surface matter due to arrive this December!
The Doff Integra is a high-temperature steam cleaning system used for the removal of various types of organic matter, coatings, and pollutants from surfaces. It operates by superheating water to approximately 150°C (300°F) and then applying it in the form of steam to the targeted surface through a specially designed...
Want to mitigate damp on masonry surfaces?
Introducing our latest acquisition, The BlueVac Captive Head Washing System. It washes, rinses and vacuums surfaces in a single action, capturing dirty wash water as it cleans. Through the use of interchangeable captive head hand tools (to suit different substrates and project needs) and the choice of a low or...
The process to waterproof wet areas
When Waterproofing Wet Area's Waterseal go through a thorough process to ensure the task is done properly. Our team really take the time and effort to provide the best quality work to our clients and try to offer a highly professional overall experience. Check out our video below of the...
Metronet Gnangara Underpass work
The most significant milestone for the METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Train Line to date has been reached, with the first tracks laid north of Whiteman Park Station through to the Gnangara Underpass. The Gnangara Underpass was constructed using a ‘cut-and-cover’ method, which involves excavating a trench then covering it with a concrete...
Check out our new Plural Component Machine
Waterseal, a leader in providing quality waterproofing solutions are pleased to announce our recent acquisition of a state of the art, GRACO Reactor E-10 HP Plural Component machine. Now in possession of the Reactor, Waterseal will be able to offer clients a faster and more efficient service. The machine is...